Tuesday, August 11, 2009


OK, so I have spent a lot of time discussing the Health care issue. I believe it is an important point which must be discussed vehemently. Hopefully you saw Arlen Specter townhall. Sen. Specter did something other Senators are afraid to do, listen. He took his bumps and bruises but took it like all Congressmen should. American Citizens voicing their opinion.

I do not see AstroTurf here. President Obama has been shielded from the rhetoric. Several Pundits today have said the Presidential Townhall was picked to be a favorable environment. Every President does this, so I am not going to hammer him for maintain the status quo. I really would like to see the President go toe to toe with Glenn Beck or Mark Levin. Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh have been polarized so people will dismiss easily. Now President Obama has changed the term for the reform from Health care reform to Health Insurance reform. Ok what is it..? Another good point I heard today is write all bills to a Junior High level for all Americans to understand and/or make them 3 pages long. If congress has trouble understanding huge bills then how are the people who are charged with implementation going to understand them?

I can't wait to see how these townhalls will be spun today.

Other topics:
1) Lets look at the Afghan war..... I want this war over as bad as others but we need to do the same thing we did in Iraq, a surge. Lets stop fiddling around and end it now !!! If the Generals think we need more troops then send them.
2) The national debt is soaring. You should find this article in the USA Today interesting: http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2009-08-10-deficit_N.htm
3) Finally, why would a grandfather grope Minnie Mouse at Disney World. People are sick. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/breakingnews/orl-bk-groping-minnie-mouse-081109,0,5727056.story

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