Tuesday, July 14, 2009


The economy is in a funk and we wonder what to do. Our first instinct is to turn to the Government, who is supposed to be the leaders who we have chosen. We elected them into office thinking they were the ones who know the most about these types of things. We voted for them because we thought they were running to serve our interests. Isn’t that why people run for office? To serve the common good? I guess were wrong. We were sorely wrong. A majority of politicians only care about who gave them money during the election and getting reelected. Haven’t you often wondered why companies spend so much money on lobbyists? Lobbyists have the ear of our leaders because they have $$$$$$. Therefore, we can’t expect greedy politicians to have our back and do their noble duty with clouded, deluded realities. We need to find people who are honest and have enough morals to do what is right not what is politically expedient.

The next place we could look is the heart of capitalism, Wall Street and Big Business. This has turned out to be erroneous. The people in charge our money are as or more corrupt than the politicians. The banks made risky loans at the behest of the aforementioned politicians and look where that has gotten us. Our credit markets are virtually frozen. Big business is only making choices that are good for business. This is the foundation of Capitalism right? At what expense? I am a firm believer in capitalism but we must think of the people or the employees. Unions are not the answer. They help but when they get too big they are more of the enemy than the ally. Therefore, Wall Street and Big Business is not the answer.
We might ask renowned economists. What do they think or believe will happen? For the most part they are all over the map. This is new territory and they are not sure. The government has gotten so far involved in the market that market forces are not working as would normally be anticipated.

So who do we turn to? The only thing we can, God and our faith. We must stand up and do what is necessary in our own lives to insure security and viability for our families. We are Americans and if we join together as a one and put all our strengths and voices together we will prevail. Our grandparents did it in the Depression and World War II, why can’t we? Why can’t this be the Second Greatest Generation? We can stand up and demand accountability and transparency. We can demand integrity and honesty. Stand up and demand a return to the foundations of the Constitution: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness!!!!

We are Americans!!
We are the Chosen bearers of the light of Freedom!!!

Stand up America and reclaim our country and stop being what our government wants “Sheep”!!!

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