Friday, July 24, 2009


So Congress thinks it should tackle Health Care. Ok, what is the rush?
Are you rushing because you think it is a crisis of such importance that every minute lost will just make matters worse? Well we have waited this long, so why not take our time?
Are you rushing because you feel your momentum from the last election slipping away? Maybe your support is going the way of the Dodo Bird. Hmmm!!! Why might that be?
Are you rushing because you want to hurry up and get it through the system before the American People realize what you’re up to? Do you have something to hide? Should we be worried?
I think you want the American People to believe your reason is number one. Down deep inside you want there to be a real crisis to justify your stance. Well guess what? Most Americans are happy with their healthcare. We are concerned about two basic issues the number of uninsured and the high cost. The uninsured are still basically insured. We have Medicaid, but that is for the really poor. People who do not make enough to pay for the bare necessities of life. My heart goes out to these people. We have a great structure of private non profits to help these people, but that is another topic. The other portion of uninsured are made up of 3 sectors: people who cannot afford healthcare but make too much to be considered for Medicaid, people who chose not to be insured, and Illegal Aliens. We cannot force people who do not want to be insured to get insurance, so this is a mute point. The other two areas can be addressed. One is easy, STOP illegal immigration and you stop this part of the problem. They are sucking the life out of our entire system, from education to healthcare. The people who make too much but cannot afford healthcare is who we should address and maybe we can address Medicare and Medicaid in conjunction. What is the solution? I am not sure but we have enough smart people in this country that I bet we could figure it out. The High cost of Healthcare must also be addressed. Every doctor must run extra tests to protect themselves from lawsuits. I think lawsuits are a good thing to keep things in check but abuse causes prices to rise. We must set a limit on frivolous lawsuits and claims. Fraud also hinders the system even Medicare and Medicaid are affected. When people go to the emergency room they must be helped even if they are uninsured. Who gets to pay for this? Any answer is probably right. Eventually you and I do.
Therefore, I think your reasoning behind rushing healthcare down the throats of hardworking Americans is basically a combination of the last two reasons above. You feel your support slipping through your fingers and you’re panicking. The American people are catching on. You ran on change and we do not like what you’re changing it too. You feed us numbers that sound good but after a little research are found to be partly false or altogether lies. What are you hiding?
Let’s have a strong complete debate that looks for solutions that maintains the free market and the best healthcare in the world. Our healthcare is not without problems but is the best in the world. Why do you think people all over the world come to the USA for healthcare? Let’s talk debate and take the time necessary to fix the issue right the first time. I do not want Socialized medicine.

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