Monday, July 27, 2009
On another note, President Obama, think before you speak. You are taking on too many issues at one time. Stay out of local police issues. There are things that must be resolved at the appropriate levels. State and local authorities understand the issues and are more closely aligned with the right actions to take. They are human just like you and that is why I am giving you the benefit of the doubt (right now) that you were just making your opinion known in regards to an issue involving a close friend. This is another reason we all should pay attention to our friends and watch vigilantly the words they say. Our friends and family are part of us and define who we are. We are the company we keep and your track record is not looking so good right now. Having a beer is a cool idea since you’re trying to make up for the remarks you made in your recent press conference. Again think before you speak, sir.
The economy continues to be in dire straits. We must stop the spending. Did you know the amount the government has spent in stimulus money is equal to one and half year’s worth of tax revenue? They could have just given us a tax holiday for a year and a half. Just think what the economy would look like if we all had no taxes for a year and a half. Amazing. Simply Amazing. Money would be flowing and the recession would be over. We can only dream that our elected officials would be that smart. Make sure you continue to follow the choices the government makes.
Common Sense needs to come back to America. I am currently reading Common Sense by Glenn Beck. I should have it finished in the next week. I will begin on a regular basis posting my feelings and comments about things he has said. In the meantime, please pick up a copy for yourself and read it. This way we can have an open and honest dialogue and we will all be equal footing.
Remember if you have any topics or ideas you would like to talk about please let me know.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Are you rushing because you think it is a crisis of such importance that every minute lost will just make matters worse? Well we have waited this long, so why not take our time?
Are you rushing because you feel your momentum from the last election slipping away? Maybe your support is going the way of the Dodo Bird. Hmmm!!! Why might that be?
Are you rushing because you want to hurry up and get it through the system before the American People realize what you’re up to? Do you have something to hide? Should we be worried?
I think you want the American People to believe your reason is number one. Down deep inside you want there to be a real crisis to justify your stance. Well guess what? Most Americans are happy with their healthcare. We are concerned about two basic issues the number of uninsured and the high cost. The uninsured are still basically insured. We have Medicaid, but that is for the really poor. People who do not make enough to pay for the bare necessities of life. My heart goes out to these people. We have a great structure of private non profits to help these people, but that is another topic. The other portion of uninsured are made up of 3 sectors: people who cannot afford healthcare but make too much to be considered for Medicaid, people who chose not to be insured, and Illegal Aliens. We cannot force people who do not want to be insured to get insurance, so this is a mute point. The other two areas can be addressed. One is easy, STOP illegal immigration and you stop this part of the problem. They are sucking the life out of our entire system, from education to healthcare. The people who make too much but cannot afford healthcare is who we should address and maybe we can address Medicare and Medicaid in conjunction. What is the solution? I am not sure but we have enough smart people in this country that I bet we could figure it out. The High cost of Healthcare must also be addressed. Every doctor must run extra tests to protect themselves from lawsuits. I think lawsuits are a good thing to keep things in check but abuse causes prices to rise. We must set a limit on frivolous lawsuits and claims. Fraud also hinders the system even Medicare and Medicaid are affected. When people go to the emergency room they must be helped even if they are uninsured. Who gets to pay for this? Any answer is probably right. Eventually you and I do.
Therefore, I think your reasoning behind rushing healthcare down the throats of hardworking Americans is basically a combination of the last two reasons above. You feel your support slipping through your fingers and you’re panicking. The American people are catching on. You ran on change and we do not like what you’re changing it too. You feed us numbers that sound good but after a little research are found to be partly false or altogether lies. What are you hiding?
Let’s have a strong complete debate that looks for solutions that maintains the free market and the best healthcare in the world. Our healthcare is not without problems but is the best in the world. Why do you think people all over the world come to the USA for healthcare? Let’s talk debate and take the time necessary to fix the issue right the first time. I do not want Socialized medicine.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
I believe their overall agenda is overwhelm the system and force it through.
I will start the list and put an approximate price tag next to it. If you find more items please list them in comments and we can keep a running list.
Cap and Trade (costs covered in previous post) 1,300 pages
Universal Healthcare at least $1,000,000,000,000.00 right now 1,000 pages
Kennedy Serve America Act
Stimulus Package $780 billion 1,100 pages passed into law
Items not on the table yet
2nd Stimulus
there might be more so let me know
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
The next place we could look is the heart of capitalism, Wall Street and Big Business. This has turned out to be erroneous. The people in charge our money are as or more corrupt than the politicians. The banks made risky loans at the behest of the aforementioned politicians and look where that has gotten us. Our credit markets are virtually frozen. Big business is only making choices that are good for business. This is the foundation of Capitalism right? At what expense? I am a firm believer in capitalism but we must think of the people or the employees. Unions are not the answer. They help but when they get too big they are more of the enemy than the ally. Therefore, Wall Street and Big Business is not the answer.
We might ask renowned economists. What do they think or believe will happen? For the most part they are all over the map. This is new territory and they are not sure. The government has gotten so far involved in the market that market forces are not working as would normally be anticipated.
So who do we turn to? The only thing we can, God and our faith. We must stand up and do what is necessary in our own lives to insure security and viability for our families. We are Americans and if we join together as a one and put all our strengths and voices together we will prevail. Our grandparents did it in the Depression and World War II, why can’t we? Why can’t this be the Second Greatest Generation? We can stand up and demand accountability and transparency. We can demand integrity and honesty. Stand up and demand a return to the foundations of the Constitution: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness!!!!
We are Americans!!
We are the Chosen bearers of the light of Freedom!!!
Stand up America and reclaim our country and stop being what our government wants “Sheep”!!!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Michael was a big part of my formative years with songs that formed a decade. However, I cannot condone the choices he made in his latter years, however, I somewhat understand the reasons he did not grow up. So RIP!!
Finally, Farrah Fawcett, Ed McMahon, and Billy Mays you will all be sorely missed.
I can only gather God has a huge event planned when he needed a Musician, Charlie's Angel, Announcer, and a Loud Product Salesman. Wow this could be big!!!!
Saturday, July 4, 2009

Thursday, July 2, 2009
Most people have heard of the Cap and Trade Bill currently in Congress (HR 2454), also known as, the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009. If not, then let me give you a quick outline. The Government has decided to put forth a bill to legislation that would place mandatory limits on the emissions of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming. Hmmm, I bet your thinking this can’t be all that bad. We are having climate change and we need to control the amount of pollution emitted into the environment. This bill will also reach out and touch every part of your life. It will give the Federal Government enormous powers.
Well, let’s dig deeper. Global warming is the biggest scam in recent history. Recently, 700 credible scientist have switched sides and come out against this theory. The Global Warming debate is a separate issue and can be reviewed with a simple Google search. The Liberal Democrats in Congress believe by passing this bill they can control the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere. This bill is simply a massive attempt at controlling the masses and giving perks to cronies by an out of control Government. The use of climate change is just an excuse to muddy the waters. Cap-and-trade is a simple concept: To slow climate change, the government would set a cap on carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions. To comply, companies such as electric utilities must either upgrade to cleaner technologies or buy credits — also known as allowances — to continue polluting. The goal is to lower carbon pollution by 17 percent by 2020 and 83 percent by 2050. Under their plan, most pollution permits initially would be given out for free. But eventually, companies would have to buy those permits from the government.
What is in the bill?
According to the American Thinker, there are several issues inside the bill right off the top.
1) The "Monthly Energy Refund." If a person’s gross income "does not exceed 150 percent of the poverty line...a direct deposit," of an undisclosed amount of money, will be sent "into the eligible household's designated bank account..."
2) The "Low Income Community Energy Efficiency Program," whereby grants will be issued "to increase the flow of capital and benefits to low income communities, minority-owned and woman-owned businesses and entrepreneurs..."
3) Workers who lose their manufacturing jobs because the caps on their companies are too repressive, and their employer either has to shut down, or move operations to the Third World to avoid regulation, the "adversely affected worker" shall receive 70 percent of their prior weekly wage, "payable for a period not longer than 156 weeks."
4) Federally mandated building codes will supersede local rules and regulations. The new codes will be enforced by a green goon squad. On pages 319-324 we read the Secretary of Energy "shall enhance compliance by conducting training and education of builders and other professionals in the jurisdiction concerning the national energy efficiency building code. Rebates only to the lower income residing in mobile homes.
That means to sell your house you must meet the green requirements. The above four examples are just the tip of the iceberg. There are no way members of Congress read this 1,200 page monstrosity. Oh but there is more.
5) A new Climate Service Office will be created at the NOAA, to “…ensure a continuous level of high-quality data collected through a national observation and monitoring infrastructure..." Can you say Government Weather Censorship?
6) The "Summer Institutes Program and the Regional Climate Center” to encourage educational pursuits in Climate and weather sciences.
7) Carbon Storage Research Corporation to collect assessments from distribution utilities of fossil fuel-based electricity delivered directly to consumers
8) New standards for Coal Plants.
9) New Nationwide Vehicle Emission Standards
10) Creation of an Electrical Smart Grid to control the energy in every household and business.
11) Strictly prohibits the manufacturing or usage of fluorine gases in interstate commerce over a specified quantity. This means strict rules on transportation byproducts, i.e. emissions.
12) Creation and Development of Carbon offset Market. This will be run by the Wall Street. Some of the very people that helped get us in this mess.
13) New codes for the IRS to allow energy credits for certain low income households.
There is a whole lot more in this bill that would require much more time. Read for yourself at:
What will this cost me?
The reporting requirements alone could cost American Companies $50 million per year, according to the Congressional Budget Office. This does not include the mandated control upgrades and requirements, which do not have tax breaks. So who do you think is actually going to pay for this? Businesses will pass down all costs to the consumer leading to inflation. Annual assessments will be placed on all utilities public and private. The assessments will be based on customer usage. About $1 billion from households and businesses, that will be passed onto the consumer. The entire bill breaks down into several estimates.
1. According to the EPA, each household will pay $61 a year until 2050 then $125 to $174.
2. The CBO, above, expects $200 per household per year, but that will fluctuate depending upon income level.
3. The Heritage Foundation predicts that by 2035 every household will pay $1,241 per year. This number takes into account the scale back of the current usage of fossil fuels due to increased costs in production.
4. MIT estimates push the amount up to $3,900 per household.
The bottom line is this bill will cost you more money. Everyday products and service will increase due to the added costs. Electricity, Gas, and Food will be the most affected. Long term affects are almost impossible to predict. One thing is for certain, jobs will be lost due to a continued decrease in the economy and the exodus of businesses overseas.
If we reduce our emissions and affect on the environment, will it really help when other countries like China, India, and Russia do not. Our output is just a drop in the bucket. The current estimates of effectiveness on the environment are non-existent. The EPA just hid a report that shows the average temperature of the earth has declined since 2001. Why would they hide something like that?
Therefore, the bottom-line, this Bill is a massive tax increase disguised as a climate bill. It is over 1,200 pages long and there is no way the members of Congress had time to read it. Rep. Waxman, who wrote the bill, said "How can you expect me to know everything in it?" We Do! It is your bill and you wrote it.
Do you want Bigger Government? Do you want the Federal Government to have access to unprecedented areas of your life? Then you must act. The Bill has already passed the House and is now in the Senate. Call your Senators and demand a stop to this insanity!!!!!!